metro creative
a healthy community expresses its’ creativity
play, draw, sing, write, learn, and experience the creative process together.
Some of our community make their living from their art while others are enthusiastic hobbyists, but however it is expressed, we believe that a creative artistic community is a more healthy community.
We operate on the assumption that we are all created to be creative. We encourage this through the continued promotion of our concert series, poetry events, and Art exhibitions as well as through our Sunday gatherings and midweek events. We would like to also add more opportunities for lessons and workshops in music and visual arts and other mediums that we have yet to dream up. If you have an interest in joining us in this please get in touch and let's talk. Hopefully, we can find ways to do it together.
Email graham@metrocommunity to connect.

music & song.
Art takes many forms, offering a way to express creativity and passion while bringing us healing and wholeness. Across Metro, there are various opportunities to engage with music and song, often sparked through genuine connections within the community. We encourage you to reach out, start a conversation, and watch as opportunities naturally unfold!
At Metro we value ‘fridge art’ and ‘high art’ because it is all considered as a vital expression of our shared life together. Finding healthy ways of expressing our inner lives is very important to us.
worship in everything we do.
The everyday things we do in life are done in an attitude of reverence and adoration towards God who cares for us. We consider this worship.