
be a part of the story

All the different ministries at Metro represent excellent ways to get involved with our growing community.

We believe in being a community that has everyone involved in their own capacity. The list is in no way exhaustive, and if you know of something that you can imagine yourself getting involved in or that you have a gift for, we’d love to discuss that further. Please write your ideas down in the form.

You can read the volunteer role descriptions below to better understand the basics of what each role entails.

  • Metro Cafe/Courtyard - Join a team to interact with and serve our community throughout the week.

    Hygiene Program/Laundry - Join a team that serves our community by managing the laundry station throughout the weekdays

    Sunday Lunch - Join a team (maybe with some of your friends) to prepare lunch for our community on Sunday.

    Children’s Ministry - Help on Sunday to care for the beloved children in our community

    Hospitality/Greeters - Help on Sunday by welcoming people into the church, handing out bulletins, talking with the community, and more.

    Slides/livestream - Help with slides and/or live stream on Sunday. We provide training.

    Sunday Morning Cafe - Help at the coffee bar with snacks and drinks.

    Guest Services Team - Help with managing the “donation station” and talking to new people looking for information.

    Sunday Set-up Team - Join a schedule that helps ensure the Metro Hub is properly set up for our Sunday service, such as setting up chairs and tables.

    Communion Set-up - Help to prepare the communion before service on Sunday.

    Stagehand Apprentice - Learn new skills related to setting up sound gear, taking it down, and learning the ins and outs of the technical side of our services.

    Prayer Team - Apply to join our prayer team. Our prayer team is emailed prayer requests and is also part of praying for others at church if you choose to.

    Street teams - Walk around the community inviting people to church on Sunday.

    Bus Shuttle Driver (Class 4) - Help some of our community make it to church by joining the bus shuttle team. Class 4 License required.

    Custodial/Cleaning - Work within your schedule to help us keep a clean ship.

    Special Events Volunteer - Help at the various events Metro puts on throughout the year. Could be helping at the ticket booth, or managing the concessions stand.

    Bread Pick-up from COBS - Pick up bread donations from COBS for the Metro Cafe to use. Need to be willing to help on Saturday evenings.

    Meals or baking - For those who would like to bless the community with their cooking/baking skills.

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