Metro is hosting Coldest Night of the Year again for the ninth time! Join us for our biggest fundraising event of the year! Make a team, join a team, or donate. We will all meet on the block outside of Metro Central (1262 St. Paul Street), and at 5:00 PM we will have our send-off! We all walk simultaneously (along with many other organizations in North America) in efforts to raise awareness for those experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness in our very own community. Afterward, we will join back up in the Metro Hub (1265 Ellis Street, next to Metro Central) for food, hot drinks, and live music from the amazing band Daves of our Lives.
Join us for what will be a remarkable evening once again!
Anonymous Donor Price-Match
Very generously, an anonymous donor has offered to PRICE-MATCH DONATIONS! So let’s step up our fundraising efforts!
The price match is valid up to $50,000.
Here’s what the CNOY.ORG website has to say about the Coldest Night event.
“The Coldest Night of the Year is a winterrific family-friendly walk in support of local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. Join us on February 24, 2024 - team up, fundraise, walk, and take a moment to look closer... because it’s cold out there.”
4:00 pm: Meet Check-in + Welcome
5:00 pm: Move Send-off
6:00 pm: Munch Light meal served
7:00 pm: Mosey Goodbye + see you in 2025!